The World Wide Tract Ministry was started in March 1954 by Max Prouty, a newly converted coffee salesman, who, along with some new brothers in Christ, wanted to do more than just warm the pews of his church. They asked the governing body of their church, in the West End area of Birmingham, if it would be all right with them if they started printing the gospel of Jesus in tract form in the basement of the church. Permission was granted but it wasn't long before they outgrew that space and moved into a rented building that wasn't much larger than the room they occupied at the church. But, persecution was to have a hand in moving them into a slightly larger space.
By faith, Brother Max's good friend, Earl Bruce, Sr., and his wife agreed to let the Ministry build a building in their back yard where they had wanted to build a garage with the under-standing that when the Ministry outgrew the space it would be their garage.
Believing that this was of the Lord, they dug the footing and, sure enough, the Lord sent the money for the concrete on the morning it was to be poured.
In 1971 WWTM moved to 1444 Tuscaloosa Avenue which was across the street from the first rental space. On May 1st 1986 Bro. Prouty went to be with Jesus whereupon Bro. Ron Arant, Sr. became superintendent. In March 1990 the Ministry was moved to 1925 3rd Ave. North in Bessemer, about 17 miles south west of Tuscaloosa Avenue. On the day the Board of Trustees was signing the papers for the purchase of the property in Bessemer, our Lord Jesus led a lady and her daughter to donate a total of $6,000.00. This allowed the building to be paid for in full plus left $1,000.00 toward the moving expenses. To Jesus be all the glory for this.
A staff of three- Ron Arant, Sr., Marie, his wife, and Paul, their youngest son, operate this Ministry to the Glory of Jesus Christ. The only reason for their being at WWTM is to produce the Word of God in tract form. This gives born again Christians an effective tool to witness to men, women, boys and girls that Jesus came to save sinners by simple child-like faith in Him.
 First Building
 Garage Location
 1444 Tuscaloosa Ave.
 Present Location 1925 3rd Ave N Bessemer, Alabama